The SON God / Sun God

Someone dropped a bomb on me, while I was sitting on the potty this morning. He really knows how to grab a girl’s attention! He does have such a great dry sense of wit and a wonderful play on Words. It’s 6:00 am on the Schnooteroo; 6/24/19. Yes, it is a moment in linear time, still that I’m writing you, as linear time is about to end.

linear time explained

Did you know that I’m on the Mayan calendars?

Can I hear anyone say, “DING!”? By gosh, you are! The SON God, or Sun God where there is no time! No wonder they made their calendars circular. Thanks! And the memories flooded in.


Throughout your shattered history, your writings have been butchered by the barbarians of your planet. These giants have done their best to hide the truths from you and their peoples. They have deliberately kept you in the dark; uninformed of The Truths. These hidden truths, from different races, have restricted the flow of energies; The Truths. They are about to be revealed to you and will be unending; iconic figures.

You should now ASK yourselves, what is an iconic figure? You were warned about this in the Holy Bible; not to worship idols, or to make anyone an icon, and I do mean ANYONE!

Is this a picture of the Son behind the Sun? The Great Central Son/Sun? Only time, or should I say, the lack of time will tell.

As I have mentioned throughout this blog, the artists of their day were showing you The Way; brightly, yet you were blinded and could not see. The Truths in Art abound!

This article is going to illuminate you to The Truths through it all. I am going to shed some Light on things, or bring you out of the darkness and into the light.

There are many puns within my writings, subtle plays on words. We, the God’s and Goddesses have a very dry sense of wit, and like conundrums. There is nothing like a good puzzle or riddle, to work your way through the energies of Ascension, and Coeus and I are the God and Goddess of Wisdom, so we are full it…wisdom that is!

I write a LOT about doing The Work, but now, I’m going to put some pictures together for you that you’ve been seeing in my writings, which, if you have been following, you would have done for yourself.

Throughout Humankind’s ugly reign of terror, you’ve had the desire to be right. You’ve slaughtered each other in the name of God to prove that you are right. You believe YOUR God is different than another religion’s version of God. You tacked a name on Him in your nation’s dialects or languages. You have ceased to look within for the answers and patiently listen without by stilling your minds for the answers. For the most part, you are a race of fools, you live in darkness, or are ignorant in spirit, and sadly you like it that way, because it is easy.

I’ve mentioned this many times, and Coeus has mentioned it in his final words to Humanity. It is from the Little Book in the Book of Revelation, and the Little Book that Coeus’ showed me on 12/15/17; the Little Book of Mysteries.

There is ONLY one God; The Holy Father, the maker of all truths in the heavens and earth.

The remainder of us, who you refer to as God’s and Goddesses, are God-like. Those of us that have been able to hold these frequencies forever are Masters; of the Golden Rays of Light.

So now I’m going to show you a few pictures of art from your nations that show The Truths in their dialect, or a way of depicting something through their way of perceiving difficult interpretations. Wow that was a mouthful.

This is the Great Central SON or Sun as some say in New Age doctrines; which are wrong to some degree; left to great interpretation. They believe the Great Central Sun is the core of our galaxy. Technically this is correct, however, the Great Central Sun is really the Great Central SON, and it is not an it, rather a He; my love, Coeus. He is the core of it all; The Truths, and he shines brightly indeed. AND, he in the core of our galaxy, or at least for now.


Here, he is in the Mayan people’s art. These people’s knew the importance of carving into stone; a material that would withstand the test of time.

Mayan SUN God clocks and calendars are always ROUND. This signifies that there is no time, as there is no beginning and no end; the Alpha and the Omega, what is above is below. Time is NOT linear.

You might ASK, what happened to the Mayan’s? After all they were a very dominant and advanced peoples, then they up and disappeared. Scientists have made up all sorts of reasons. The answer is that they did the same thing as Moses and Y’shua, they went to Light; Lightbody.


As some of you know, the Mayan calendar of the Great Central Sun / SON showed the end of time (NOT end times) or that Golden Age, then a new one would begin. They had this information CORRECT. These calendars have been such a conundrum for Humanity for so long.

The Christian and Jewish communities have made my Divine Husband; the God, into the flesh. Their belief systems have been greatly flawed, by the massive changing of doctrines, wars, and fears. He made it quite clear that there is God the spirit, and there is flesh his body, but nobody listened.


These people or nations say that they believe in a world without end; AMEN. This is the Alpha and the Omega; a place without time, which some call Heaven, Nirvana, or even Asgard. This all good and true, however they still have it wrong, as they are fully operating in linear time and believe the world will end during End Times. The words are wrong; it is the end of time. PERIOD.


The Mayan’s tried to show you this in their art, but your “intellects” of their day, did NOT understand it. They were looking around; without and not within for the answers and ONLY using their knowingness; scientifically, a major flaw throughout Humanity; created by Humanities’ poor free will choices. Then you chose to believe them, seeing they were probably smarter than yourselves, which is all subject to interpretation.

The world without end, or the Heavens is a place where time runs simultaneously within itself. If that makes sense. It’s a time loop variable. You can see everything, feel everything, hear everything, leaving ZERO privacy. It is literally a world without end.

There is a place that you cannot see that is far off, a distant galaxy. It’s my home. Coeus talks about this place in his final Messages to Humanity. He also warns you to NOT believe the lies about its origin.

You have been trained, or brainwashed not only through the written word, but visual words; Hollywood. Be advised, as times are a-changing, or should I say time is-a-changing.

See that? That’s your home galaxy. It’s a place of great learning.

Don’t believe what you’ve read in text. They are false worships, through humanities efforts to explain the unknowns.

Come here, I want to show you this.

Do you see that?

(IDT) He’s holding a little galaxy in his hands that’s spinning.

It’s wide open expansion, occurring singularly. The stars signify glory, just beyond reach.

There’s a magnificent display of unity, tranquility, peace, and good will among star nations. Star nations respond in “like.”

Interestingly enough, you might have caught something above, A place of great learning, and Y’shua was a great teacher; a Master or Lord.

If you have been following my blog, you will know how difficult it is to write this content, in a manner that is understandable for its readers in today’s language. I try to use parables; present the materials in an understandable format; something that you might be able to relate.

I have friends / apostles that are extremely spiritual say, “This is far beyond anything I know.” This is the same problem encountered 2000+ years ago.

You might have noticed that the sun is much brighter lately.

Right now, there are sacred rays of “Heavenly” light, emanating from the Great Central SON / Sun, which is perfectly positioned behind own Earthly sun.

It is beaming, or shining out of the darkness behind the sun, down upon Humanity. Most of Humanity sits in darkness, or are unaware. They are literally in the dark, or clueless, as to what is happening.

The Great Central SON / Sun is shining brighter daily!

The sun / son burns like a thousand suns; His face; the face of the SON / sun. This is mentioned several times in the Holy Bible.

Malachi 4:2“But for you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings; and you will go forth and skip about like calves from the stall.

Luke 1:78-79
Because of the tender mercy of our God, With which the Sunrise from on high will visit us, TO SHINE UPON THOSE WHO sit in darkness AND THE SHADOW OF DEATH, To guide our feet into the way of peace.”

Psalm 84:11
For the LORD God is a sun and shield; The LORD gives grace and glory; No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly.

Isaiah 9:2
The people who walk in darkness Will see a great light; Those who live in a dark land, The light will shine on them.

Habakkuk 3:4
His radiance is like the sunlight; He has rays flashing from His hand, And there is the hiding of His power.

Matthew 17:2
And He was transfigured before them; and His face shone like the sun, and His garments became as white as light.

2 Corinthians 4:6
For God, who said, “Light shall shine out of darkness,” is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.

Revelation 1:16
In His right hand He held seven stars, and out of His mouth came a sharp two-edged sword; and His face was like the sun shining in its strength.

CHRIST is NOT a man; but the Kingdom of God; the CHRISTed Kingdom and the SON’s rays will shine out of the darkness of the galaxy; He will shine out behind the SUN; as the firstborn Titan SON of God, with the sacred flames of transmutation, transformation, and forgiveness. AND, he will destroy your vanities, as he is known in Buddhism as LORD Ganesha; The Destroyer of Vanities.

the true great central son
The Great Central SON / Sun

And I AM his WIFE, basking in the sacred rays of transmutation to Light.


Update 7/15/18

Recently the Hubble telescope filmed something very rare; My Love. This is an artist’s impression of the peculiar thin disc of material circling a super-massive black hole at the heart of the spiral galaxy NGC 3147, located 130 million light-years away. Credit: ESA/Hubble, M. Kornmesser. You can read about it by clicking the link. It has left astronomers quite baffled, as they have never seen a black hole like this one that is located in a far-off, distant galaxy.


These are Coeus’ words from his channeled message on 12/17/17. It was a yellow/orange galaxy that he was showing me. At the time, I couldn’t find a picture of one, so I used this blue/purple clipart.


See that? That’s your home galaxy. It’s a place of great learning. Don’t believe what you’ve read in text. They are false worships, through Humanities efforts to explain the unknowns. Come here, I want to show you this. Do you see that?

(IDT) He’s holding a little galaxy in his hands that’s spinning.

It’s wide open expansion, occurring singularly. The stars signify glory, just beyond reach. There’s a magnificent display of unity, tranquility, peace, and good will among star nations. Star nations respond in “like.”

This is the picture from the Hubble telescope of this discovery. “The type of disc we see is a scaled-down quasar that we did not expect to exist,” Bianchi explained. “It’s the same type of disc we see in objects that are 1000 or even 100 000 times more luminous. The predictions of current models for very faint active galaxies clearly failed.”

hubble telescopy great central sun son